About us


be.pure was founded in 2016 with the vision to establish water as food. Due to the persistent pollutant levels in our domestic water, several massive bacterial infections occurred in the family environment. Through this, we have made it our mission to develop a high-quality filtration system with the best technological prerequisite and to eradicate these impurities in the water. Due to our high demand on quality management, respectively the aspiration to our vision, we have succeeded in establishing an innovative product range for all areas of daily life on the market.

Our social commitment begins in our hometown Wiener Neustadt and extends across the entire planet all the way to Africa, where we were able to establish our own water projects in Uganda.

70% of our body consists of water

A healthy organism functions only with sufficient water intake. Pure water is the solvent for our salts & minerals. It is our means of transport for the nutrients, as well as for the decomposition products, which we eject from our body.

The enrichment of magnesium and calcium gives your water the perfect freshness for daily use.


One can distinguish the best water by its taste

Dolomite (chem. CaMg(CO3)2) provides us with the right amount of magnesium and calcium for this purpose, which is why we define the typical be.pure taste through the right dosage. This corresponds to pure & clear spring water.

Our mission is to establish water as accessible food on a global scale.

Most of the world’s population is always paying attention to the quality of their food, but solid food is only a fraction of our diet.

No Plastic - Green Planet

Together, we can set an example for the environment.

Every year 4.8 to 12.7 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans. Anyone can help to reduce this amount, because on average a family household produces about 60kg of pure plastic waste just by using plastic bottles. The best solution is a bottle-free approach, which contributes to a global shift.


Protect our planet. Protect our oceans. For our future.


Common plastic bottles not only release pollutants into the water inside the bottles, but microplastics are already in our rivers and oceans, threatening not only the environment and wildlife, but also the health of each and every one of us!

No Plastic - Green Planet

The calculation is simple:

A household of 4 people needs 8-12 liters of water per day. This is equivalent to approximately five water bottles (1.5l) daily.

Depending on the brand, water bottles can cost between 30 and 90 cents.

If we take the average value and multiply it by 5, we get a value of 4,8€ per day. This equivalates to 1,752€ per year and a pure plastic waste of 60kg. Therefore you start to save money with be.pure ENYA already after 1-2 years.


At be.pure, we are committed to sustainability and the protection of our environment, and we pursue this mission in every second of our actions.

Our global social responsibility

For every be.pure ENYA system sold – one WADITM to Uganda

Clean water for Uganda
We are currently supporting a project in Uganda in cooperation with Helioz GmbH. For every be.pure ENYA system sold, we donate one WADITM.

WADITM is a solar-powered UV measuring device that illustrates the process of solar water disinfection (SODIS) inside a PET bottle. A smiling face indicates at which point the water disinfected by the sun’s UV rays can be consumed.

Clean water for Uganda
We are currently supporting a project in Uganda in cooperation with Helioz GmbH. For every be.pure ENYA system sold, we donate one WADITM.

WADITM is a solar-powered UV measuring device that illustrates the process of solar water disinfection (SODIS) inside a PET bottle. A smiling face indicates at which point the water disinfected by the sun’s UV rays can be consumed.

Social aid projects of our corporate group

  • Water treatment Uganda
  • Pediatric hospital St. Anna – Cancer center
  • Cancer research AKH Vienna – Research project GVHD
  • Christoffel Licht für die Welt – Eye surgery
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • Forrest school Wiener Neustadt
  • Pediatric Hospice – Family support Sterntalerhof
  • Social actions elementary school St. Christiana
  • Business. School Baden
  • Red Cross und Henry Shop Wiener Neustadt